Innovative Credit Card Processing for Retail Stores.
If you are a retailer, you already know that accepting credit cards is part of your business. The majority of consumers in todays retail world prefer to use credit and debit cards over alternative payment methods. At Midwest Merchant Services we offer wholesale credit card processing without an added markup on every swipe.
As convenient as they are, though, credit card processing comes with a price. And if you’re using a traditional merchant services provider, the higher your processing volume, the more your pay in fees. With Midwest Merchant Services, you get access to wholesale credit card processing rates (i.e., the interchange fees) WITHOUT the added markup. Rather than taking a cut out of your sales, we’ll only charge a flat membership fee.
Cost Efficient B2B Credit Card Processing
Our pricing won’t hike up your rates even if your processing volume goes up, which means you keep more of your profits and have more funds to put back in your business. With Midwest Merchant Services, you won’t have to worry about outrageous credit card processing fees. Instead, you can focus on investing in your business and improving the customer experience.
Better Payment Processing.
Take advantage of a more cost-effective and modern payment processing company. We take pride in our low cost and transparent system.